It is one of those moments for me....where I feel a funny feel and I don’t know why I feel the way I do!!? It suddenly seems like am looking at life from a 3rd person's perspective - where nothing seems to affect me but nevertheless, I am happy and content with all that life is offering at this moment :)
It so happened that I have been playing the role of "agony aunt" to a couple of my very dear friends and somehow coming up with innovative, cheerful, sensible answers to their 'why-me' questions. And it struck me that (this may not be a revelation to many) that most of our problems are primarily due to : High Expectation. For some reasons, the heart is never satisfied with what it gets......there is an unquenchable desire for more......it is this desire that leads to unhappiness.
Why is it so difficult to do your best and then let-go? Why can’t one just love all that one does unconditionally....Imagine having "minimum expectations" from all those around you.....half of the world's problems would have been resolved.
Though I really wish to be fair here - I do know that it is not easy. And I also admit that it is easier said than done. But it is POSSIBLE – that’s the magic word. If we continue living our lives to the fullest enjoying every moment, not thinking whether it will last, and what if it doesn't etc.....just LIVE!!! It is simple.....Acts of kindness I would call it. Just be kind to the world, and the goodness will return to you :) And, yes, don’t expect much - then you will be super happy with whatever life offers you!!
I call this 'Minimum Expectations Theory'. It works for me! And I would rate this higher than Stephen Robbins any day (that fat, huge OB book)!!. I wonder if my O.B Prof would agree :P