
The author of this blog!

The author of this blog!

Saturday, April 6, 2013

For the sister I never had, and the one I found in you!

I remember the time my mother was pregnant with my brother and I would loudly announce to anyone who cared to listen how I want a baby sister to play with. The fact that it was a baby brother was definitely no disappointment for me. Brothers are awesome in their own way and no one, I mean just NO ONE can ever replace them.

As I was growing up, I was lucky enough to have close girlfriends in my growing years who have been like true-blood sisters to me. I have seen, experienced and believe in the power of womanhood. From my mother to my closest girl-pals, I have been very lucky to have these special women in my life. Here is a small dedication to all of them and to my mother, without whose support and guidance I would not have survived the perils of everyday life. 

A magical word of touch,
An understanding nod,
The glint in her eye
That made me smile…

Those words that soothed my soul,
The hand that wiped my tears,
The look that held me right,
The glint in her eye
That made me smile…

The palm that caressed my forehead,
The ears that heard me with no complaints,
The look that said ‘I care’,
Those words of wisdom that stirred my soul,
The glint in her eye
That made me smile…….

The lips that spoke those trusted words,
The heart that cared like no one does,
The faith I have in each one of you,
It’s this power of woman-hood that makes me write!
 Oh! The glint in her eye
Those have always made me smile…..


  1. The heart that cared like no one does,....
    Actually among siblings, its the sister that cares.

  2. @Haddock: I agree, i think it's more of a womanly instinct....caring comes naturally! :)
