Oh yes!! This post is all about clearing the cobwebs and moving on; which brings me to the thought of those poor hard- working spiders. I remember the time when I used to actually watch these species make their webs till my mother darling would come with a broom! One Swash! And there it was gone with a clear tone admonishing me for merely staring at them! “You have to clear this and keep the house clean”. Oh well, all the hard work down the drains!! Believe it or not, I used to actually feel bad for these eight legged species whose dedicated work was turned into nothing within a span of few minutes!!
Years passed, and so did a lot many these incidents which today play no significant role in my memory. But today I write this with a very different thought. I couldn’t help but wonder that just as we clear the cobwebs in our houses, isn’t it important to clear the cobwebs of our mind??!!
I know this sounds like a very random thought – and I admit it to be so. It so happens that certain incidents at certain times do make me go paranoid…and am sure it happens to most of us. We are so consumed by a typical line of thought/ behavior/ expectation/ action that anything that may not fall in-tune with our thinking tends to affect us. I was sitting and deeply contemplating on the “hows” and the “whys” and the “only-ifs”; needless to say with no definite answers. No amount of small talk was helping and I was at a total loss. It was then the miraculous spider-web came into my mind!!
Just as we know that its important to clear the cobwebs of our homes, isn’t it equally (if not more) important to clear the ones in our mind?? Whoever said “Our mind is a great slave but a horrible master” could not be more right. We need to clear our minds from those very happening and typical negative thoughts so that we are able to focus on the present and accept each day (with or without a smile!!). Rest assured that as we move on, there will be plenty of spiders and cobwebs. Please clear them but see that you don’t hurt the spiders!! Live and let live!