
The author of this blog!

The author of this blog!

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Now What??!!!

The most dreaded word is heard often at my place these days. Families make a mention of it. Family friends are even more keen to know when will it be? Close friends offer me their peaceful ears and strong shoulders so that I can vent out my frustrations.

It all boils down to the "M" word- Marriage. Not that I am that "old". Though ideally when a girl crosses a particular age, parents do find justifiable reasons to worry. I just feel that am too young for my parents to even think about it. Not that my dad (who considers himself coolest dad on earth) is worried. It is my mom, like all other mothers in general who gets super-paranoid wondering what will happen to her darling daughter!! Long conversations with a lot of my girl friends have proven the fact that it is the same story in almost all houses!! In any case, I am glad I have company.Added complications is the fact that I do not have any elder sisters to be married off so am free, in every sense to just go, find myself a man worth sharing the rest of my precious life with. Which brings me the important question- How do I choose a guy??

Well, the scenario is that there are many girls who have made “right choices” leaving the less fortunate ones like me dwindling our thumbs. The only other option is go the good-girl way!!Make full use of the fact that Indians follow a tradition of arranged marriages. Not that I can vouch for any of these marriages. Personal observations have guided me to believe that neither arranged nor does a love marriage necessarily end up with a happy-together. It is just that nothing in life is constant, people change and so does various situations and our reactions to it. So, choosing your life partner is by no means an easy task. Besides, marriages are a gamble- you will be lucky if yours is a successful one. Play by luck is the mantra followed. Age old characters such as Sita, Damayanti had it easier. All they had to do was garland any man who could prove himself capable!!

As I type this, I am wondering the significance of matching the horoscopes and “stars”. I come from an aristocratic, god-fearing family. But the purpose of matching the horoscope is a lost cause for me. I mean, how can you determine how compatible are you with someone purely based on the time your mother choose to go into labour and bring you to the world? It is a topic, I am still researching on. Meanwhile my parents can do their research. And I choose to go to my world and complete my education :)


  1. thats soo true...its always da 'mums' who r worried!!! but wht abt us?? i jsu cant seem 2 comprehen arranged marriages...luv come arramge i cn think of...
    ur horoscopes match..u hv few meetings u r engaged..u r married!!! whts da time 2 know each othr????

  2. Yes deeps!!well, isnt that d prob? bt then again I contradict this by sayin that I have witnessed successfull arranged matches within the family....Thats what i meant by saying that Its all fate!!! U never know what is in store for u :)

  3. yup...take my dad n mom fer instance or urs...bin 2getehr fer 25 yrs!!!....
    well lets c wht da destiny of nw...enjoyin my singledom 2 da fullest!!!

  4. Hey AAru..I so relate to everything you have written.very nicely penned down thoughts...Keep it up:-)

  5. Thanks deeps & Ashu!! continue readin...ur comments are gr8 to read!!

  6. Hi ! I knw complete your education! Best shall follow you! :) Did I ever mentioned that you've got an amazing ssmile :)

  7. Omi, thanks 4 ur wishes!! n yes pls rate the article n nt my smile...looser!! ;) ;)
